Last Chicken Standing Rules

1. Matchmaking

Players highest score at the end of each round will be compared against all other players highest scores and their elo will be affected. Elo is a rating system measuring a players skill level. By default a player starts off with 1200 ELO and can gain or lose ELO based on their tournament performances. Each player has 3 attempts to get the highest score possible (number of forward hops) 5 minute breaks in-between runs (every 5 minutes exceeded is -1 attempt) and a set amount of time specified by the tournament organizer to complete round runs. At the end of each of the earlier rounds the highest scoring player is granted a bye and isn't required to play the next round. It is up to the tournament organizer to decide how many pools there will be, what the percentage of those who receive strikes will be, the amount of time between runs, and the amount of time alloted for each round.

2. Moderation

A Referee must be present to monitor each match. Referees participating in tournaments agree to advise each players match without bias and are not allowed to referee their own runs. Referees decide whether a player wins, loses or is disqualified. Players who are unsatisfied with the Referees decision must appeal to an Admin of the Discord Server. Admins have 24 hours to respond to the issue. If no response is given, the Referees decision is final.

3. Platforms/Fair Play

Each player agrees to use either the Crossy Road Application on the Windows Store or iOS/Android stable. Third party clients/software such as POKI are prohibited! A player must play at fullscreen using only the original characters, is not allowed to pause the game at any time intentionally or bind/map keys. If a player unintentionally pauses at a score of 1000 or less they are allowed to continue but must unpause immediately. The maximum resolution a player is allowed to use is 1920x1080. If the game crashes the player is allowed to restart the attempt but without any break. Preventable bugs/glitches that cause a player to die do not validate a restart. If a stream crashes the player is allowed the option to restart the attempt. The second time the stream crashes the run is considered dead.

4. Withdrawl/Play Period

Players have the ability to withdraw themselves from the tournament whenever fit, however their funds contributed will be non-refundable and their ELO will still be affected.

5. Ties

Players can only qualify for a tie if the highest score is the same for two or more players after a round. When a tie occurs, players will have one attempt to get the highest score possible (disregarding any previous runs scores). The player with the highest score wins the round. In the event that multiple people do not do their runs all players that did not do their runs will receive a strike or are eliminated depending on the organizers format.